Avalone Mythos

Dziga Vertov was a Soviet pioneer documentary film and newsreel director, as well as a cinema theorist. His filming practices and theories influenced the cinéma vérité style of documentary movie-making and the Dziga Vertov Group, a radical film-making cooperative which was active from 1968 to 1972.


Full Metal Alchemist

Frostmourne was the runeblade that Ner'zhul, the Lich King, thrust from the Frozen Throne, intending that Arthas Menethil — his unwitting potential host — would discover it on the continent of Northrend. It was wielded by Arthas, the new Lich King, until it was destroyed by Tirion Fordring following his defeat in Icecrown Citadel.

A gold plated replica of Frostmourne's hilt is now on display in Dalaran held in place on the statue of Tirion Fordring. The shards of the weapon are used in World of Warcraft: Legion to forge the artifacts Icebringer & Soulreaper for Frost Death Knights to fight against the Burning Legion.


Seagulls / Video


Cyberpunk / Video